Product Details:
Publisher: Sams; 1 edition (February 11, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0672329301
ISBN-13: 978-0672329302
Product Dimensions:
9.2 x 7.1 x 2.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Editorial Reviews Product Description Windows Server 2008 Unleashed covers the planning, design, prototype testing, implementation, migration, administration and support of Windows 2008 and Active Directory environment, based on more than three and a half years of early adopter experience in full production environments talkenglish rapidshare. This book covers not only what is compatible with Windows 2008 compared to earlier versions of Windows Server product is new, but also what is different and how the similarities and differences affect an organization's migration to Windows 2008 talkenglish rapidshare. The chapters are devoted to the migration of Windows 2000/2003, Windows 2008, how to properly use Group Policies in Windows 2008, and tips and tricks to manage and administer a Windows 2008. The authors cover the new Windows 2008 technologies such as IPv6, Network Access Protection (NAP), Network Policy Server (NPS), Terminal Services Remote Programs, Windows Deployment Services (WDS), Hyper-V virtualization, and more! This book describes not only contain the features and functionality in Windows 2008 - there are hints in this book explains how organizations have successfully used technology to meet business requirements. Tips, tricks and best practices, experience from hundreds of implementations of Windows 2008 in real learning environments. Detailed information about how ... Plan and migrate from Windows 2000/2003, Windows 2008, new leverage tools and utilities that the system and network administration features enable secure the latest security technologies to administer and improve enterprise computing Improved Windows 2008 Optimize Active Directory environment to Windows 2008 - environment for better scalability and improved performance Implement Windows 2008 for better branch office and remote design office integration of Windows 2008 later on the environment in clustering support, stretched clusters, fault tolerance and redundant systems technologies Take advantage of add-on technology for Windows 2008, including Windows SharePoint Services, Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization, Windows Media Services and IIS 7 web server solutions Rand, Michael, Ross and Chris work for Convergent Computing, has an IT consulting company based in the Bay Area of San Francisco three and a half years experience of the first users of Windows 2008. Together with co-author Omar Droubi, the authors helped organizations of all sizes plan, migrate, implement and test Windows 2008 in production environments. The book was from direct experiences where Windows 2008 was written specifically for production environments put companies at certain strategic business needs. Category: Windows Server Covers: Windows Server 2008 User Level: Intermediate - Advanced Introduction xlix Part I: Windows Server 2008 Overview 1: Windows Server 2008 Technology Primer 3 2: planning, prototyping, migration and deployment of Windows Server 2008 Best Practices 39 3 Install Windows Server 2008 and Server Core 73 Part II: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory 4: Active Directory Domain Services Primer 105 5: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Active Directory 139 6: Designing "OU structure and Group 165 7: Active Directory Infrastructure 185 8: Creating Federated Forests and Lightweight Directories 217 9: Integrating Active Directory in a UNIX Environment 235 Part III: Networking Services 10: Domain Name System and IPv6 251 11: DHCP / WINS / Domain Controllers 297 12: Internet Information Services 331 Part IV: Security 13: Server-Level Security 375 14: Security at the transport level 399 15: Security Policies, Network Policy Server and Network Access Protection 415 Part V: Migrating to Windows Server 2008 16: Migration from Windows 2000 / Windows Server 2008 17 2003-439: Compatibility TestWindows Server 2008 473 Part VI: Windows Server 2008 Administration and Management 18: Windows Server 2008 Administration 499 19: Windows Server 2008 Group Policies and Policy Management 533 20: Windows Server 2008 management practices and maintenance 581 21: Automating Tasks Using PowerShell Scripting 639 22: documentation of a Windows Server 2008 23 685: Integration of System Center Operations Manager 2007 with Windows Server 2008 715 Part VII: Remote and Mobile Technologies 24: Server-Client Remote and Mobile Access 737 25: Terminal Services 783 Part VIII: Desktop Administration 26: Administration Tools for Windows Server Desktops 839 27: Group Policy Management for Network Clients 865 Part IX: Fault Tolerance Technologies 28: File System Management and Fault Tolerance 935 29: fault tolerance at the system level (load balancing, clustering / Network) 993 30: Securing Windows Server 2008 Environment 1043 31: Recovering from a disastrous 1077 Part X: Optimizing, Tuning, Debugging and Problem Solving 32: Optimizing Windows Server 2008 for Branch Office Communications 1111 33: Logging and Debugging 1145 34: Capacity Analysis Tuning and Performance 1189 Part XI: Integrated Windows Application Services 35: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 1233 36: Windows Media Services 1281 37: Deploying and Using Windows Virtualization 1339 Index-1313
Tags: Windows Server 2008 Unleashed (9780672329302) Rand Morimoto, Michael Noel, Omar Droubi, Ross Mistry, Chris Amaris , tutorials, pdf, ebook, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, megaupload, fileserve
Windows Server 2008 Unleashed (9780672329302) Rand Morimoto, Michael Noel, Omar Droubi, Ross Mistry, Chris Amaris